The Museum will be open daily from 10 am to 5:30 pm during March Break (March 10–16), with extended hours until 8 pm on Wednesday, March 12.

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Opening times this week:
Except holiday Mondays
10 am - 5:30 pm
10 am - 8 pm
BMO Free Wednesdays 4 – 8 pm
10 am - 5:30 pm
10 am - 5:30 pm
10 am - 5:30 pm
10 am - 5:30 pm

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Photography and Filming

The Aga Khan Museum is renowned for its impressive architecture and pristine landscaping, making it the picture-perfect location for taking photos. Before your visit, please consult our photography guidelines outlined below to ensure the best possible experience for you and other visitors.



Visitors to the Aga Khan Park are encouraged to take pictures. The Park is open seven days a week from dawn until dusk. Its formal gardens, designed by renowned landscape architect Vladimir Djurovic, feature beautiful trees, manicured lawns, and five reflecting pools.

The Aga Khan Park with one of the reflecting pools through trees over stone benches


Visitors are welcome to take photographs inside the Museum, however, the use of flash is not allowed in the galleries.

Selfie sticks and tripods are prohibited in the galleries.

Photography is occasionally restricted in the Temporary Exhibitions Gallery. Please take note of any signs or consult a Museum representative for clarification regarding temporary restrictions.

Older man studying artwork in a display case in the Aga Khan Museum gallery with his hands behind his back

Booking a Professional Photoshoot

Professional wedding or engagement photoshoots, using your own photographer, can be booked in 90-minute blocks in the Aga Khan Park. A photography permit is required. 

Wedding photoshoots inside the building are only available if you have a wedding booked at the Museum.

Please contact us for more details.

Commercial Inquiries

If your business or corporation is interested in shooting photographs or filming at the Aga Khan Museum or Aga Khan Park for commercial purposes, please contact us for more information on contracting, and rates.

A photography permit may be required.

Contact Us

A couple sitting on a stone bench in the Aga Khan Park facing the entrance to the Aga Khan Museum