Padideh Ahrarnejad, Ooldouz Pouri, and Ali Massoudi are acclaimed Iranian musicians who have brought their talents to the global stage.
Padideh Ahrarnejad, an award-winning tar player and educator, has performed Persian music worldwide, collaborated with legendary composer Hossein Alizâdeh, and is a member of Kuné, “Canada’s Global Orchestra.” She also teaches tar and setar in Toronto.
Ooldouz Pouri, an Azeri-Iranian singer, has toured internationally, blending folklore and jazz. After releasing a solo album with Norwegian label KKV, she formed the band “OOLDOUZLAR,” performing Azeri and Farsi songs in Toronto.
Ali Massoudi, a percussionist and academic, has played with renowned orchestras, including the Iranian National Music Orchestra. Now based in Canada, he co-founded the Navasaz Music Academy and remains active in the music scene.